
Dry adult dog food

Medium and large breed 8 months and older

Food based on red meat and chicken-cezar-candy Food based on red meat and chicken

Contains a variety of B and D vitamins-cezar-candy Contains a variety of B and D vitamins

Contains fatty acids, omega 3 and 6-cezar-candy Contains fatty acids, omega 3 and 6

Free of preservatives, dyes and essential oils-cezar-candy Free of preservatives, dyes and essential oils

Strengthen the immune and digestive systems

Tooth and hair health

Protects joints and muscles

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Pet food under German license

Medium and large breed adult dogs need an acceptable amount of pure protein to maintain their health and immune system as well as their daily energy supply. C&C dry food protein is based on chicken and red meat. The use of unsaturated essential fatty acids (omega 3 and 6) from plant and animal sources also makes this product nutritious. Balancing food not only prevents overeating but also meets the real needs of a relatively active adult dog. Also, the amount of fiber and carbohydrates in this food has been carefully monitored and helps overweight dogs to prevent them from gaining weight.